!±8±Joebonsai Nursery Direct Azalea Bonsai II (b-az2)
Brand : JoebonsaiRate :

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Post Date : Jan 01, 2012 21:58:03
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

You'll love our beautifulflowering Satsuki Azalea in a traditional Bonsai pot. This Azalea is very hardy and produces magnificent flowers ranging up to seven inches in diameter. Of allflowering Bonsai, the Azalea is by far the most dramatic. They bloom in later in the spring, producing generous quantities of bright pink flowers. While there are many species of Azalea, the Satsuki (Rhododendron indicum) is by far one of the most popular. Satsuki Azalea bonsai have been grown in Japan for centuries and are widely considered the premiere variety for this use. Satsuki Azaleas are easily styled and deliver an attractive presentation year round. These 6 year-old Bonsai stand 14-16 inches and come planted in a traditonal ceramic Bonsai pot (shapes and colors may vary). Our "Nursery Direct" Bonsai trees are the same beautiful trees that we photograph and sell individually, but we haven't gotten around to final trimming or taking their picturesyet. Choosing a "Nursery Direct" Bonsai tree saves us lots of time inthe photo studio with your tree,and we pass the savings on to you. "Nursery Direct BonsaiTrees"are a very popular customer option and a great way to save a little dough... and your tree will still be balanced, dressed and ready for your care like all of the other Bonsai trees you see individually pictured on our website. Check out all our Joebonsai "Direct from the Nursery" Bonsai trees HERE! Like all joebonsai trees, satisfaction is guaranteed and help is always just an email away.